August 23, 2023
Bringing a wealth of experience in a number of roles, industries, entrepreneurial endeavors, and prior experience at Mount Mercy as an adjunct faculty member and Assistant Director of Business & Leadership Programs, Rogan looks forward to the new journey ahead.
“I’m really excited for this opportunity. There are a lot of changes happening here,” Rogan shared. “I’m a big supporter of change, as it shows growth. There is a great support group in place now, and I’m very happy to be part of it.”
Rogan has worked with Mount Mercy since 2018 and has witnessed firsthand the growth of the Business & Leadership programs. He believes that the continuous evolution of the program can support the changing demands of the modern workforce.
“The vision is to set the program up to handle evolution as it comes our way in the future… I believe that is the way to sustainability.”
Rogan’s wish is for students to view the Graduate Business & Leadership Programs as a testing environment for their current or future work place or production environment.
“I hope that our test environment will give them a place to try things that they may not feel comfortable with in their current journey,” he said. “That kind of environment supports growth, and if a student leaves here with more than they came with, we’ll be fulfilling a significant part in the system.”
As for the future of the Graduate Business & Leadership programs, Rogan envisions expanding on the interesting time and environment, stating, “We have five generations in our workforce right now. Five–that’s a first in our society.”
He hopes that the Business & Leadership programs will be able to reflect that workplace diversity in the future, stating “that is something we are working to change… We’re working to increase the mix of traditional, non-traditional, domestic and international students is necessary to complete that vision.”