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Due to the predicted weather conditions for Saturday, December, 14, 2024, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Market at the Mount. We are in the process of contacting all vendors and volunteers involved with the event.

Jodee Reed Headshot


Jodee Reed

Assistant Professor of Nursing


  • EdD Clarkson College
  • MSN Allen College
  • BSN Mount Mercy University


Dr. Jodee Reed focuses on health care classes including Nursing Interventions and Pediatric Clinical.

Her main areas of interest include infants, children, and diseases of childhood.  She is also the creator and organizer of the Pediatric and Adolescent Studies Minor.

Before joining Mount Mercy as a full-time faculty member, Reed worked at St. Luke’s Hospital as a NICU, PICU, and PEDS nurse. She also served as the lead nurse and was a member of the NICU/PEDS flight team. 

Along with being certified in NICU and PICU transport, Reed was also nominated for the Rookie of the Year award at St. Luke’s, as well as the Ruby Morgan award which highlights exceptional care for children.  Since being at Mt. Mercy, she has been nominated for Faculty of the year a few times and received the Award for Teaching Excellence. 

In her spare time, Reed enjoys spending time with her two young boys and her husband. She also enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors.